New things beginning in May!

Our liturgical team has been considering new ways to encounter the Divine. We are very excited to offer the following opportunities for worship and prayer.

Pastoral Care Group – We are forming a new pastoral care group here at St. Anne’s. Our intention is to establish a parish prayer list, an intercessory prayer group, and to consider ways to stay connected with those who need prayer. We will be led by Rev. Grethe who has years of experience as a Chaplain.

New Chapel – We will be turning the classroom upstairs into a chapel. This will provide a place for those who desire silence and prayer before Sunday worship. This location is accessible through the breezeway entrance near the front of the church. No stairs are involved so we hope this is convenient for all. The chapel will be available Sunday mornings starting at 10:30.

Healing prayers and Eucharist – Starting on Wednesday May 3 at noon we will be offering a Eucharist with healing prayers and anointing with blessed oil. This service will be in our new upstairs chapel.

Conversation with the Sunday readings – before worship on Sunday mornings we will meet in the conference area by the downstairs offices to discuss the readings for that day. This is an open discussion, and a time of questions about the readings. We will meet from 9:30 to 10:30.

Fund Raising for St. Anne’s – A group of us met on Sunday March 19 and 26 to brainstorm ideas about ways we can all help raise funds for our church.  We took into consideration the time, effort, and cost of each idea to determine what we could participate in during 2023. We are looking into larger events in 2024. If you missed join us and have a good idea, please share.

Yard Sale!  Please store your gently used stuff to donate for our “tag, garage, rummage, yard” sale. We are planning on early summer for this event on the front lawn of St. Anne’s. More details soon.

Holiday Craft Sale!  Calling all crafters, seamstresses, woodworkers, and artists! We are planning on participating in one of the Holiday Craft Sales here in Washougal or Camas. This boutique event needs your donations of handmade items. These are often held in November, so please start your creative making now! More details to follow.



A Note From Rev. Annie – April 2023