It has been wonderful to see more and more people joining us for worship on Sunday mornings! Some are familiar with the Episcopal church worship and some not, so please look for someone new, introduce yourself, ask if you could sit with them and offer to show them the ropes of our worship. And of course – invite them to sit with you at coffee hour. The first place we get to demonstrate our Christ like behavior of hospitality and love is right here on Sunday mornings.

To help all of us more deeply understand and engage in our worship, an “Instructed Eucharist” will happen on Sunday May 21 (see below for details).

Feeling called to serve? We are looking for additional people to join in the worship teams. Please let me know if you would like to join in the rotation of ushers, readers, Eucharistic ministers, altar guild and Sunday school teachers. Please pray about joining the team!

Thank you all for signing up to host our coffee hour on Sundays. It is a joy filled and delicious event! Feel free to host with others. Traditional coffee hour food of cookies or donuts are great to bring too. Word is that there are no calories in food eaten at church!

What’s new?

At communion we are using the small flat gluten free communion hosts for a while to offer the bakers of our communion bread a break. If you feel called to bake, please let me know and we will get the gluten free recipe for you.

Chapel upstairs will be open for silent prayer before worship on Sunday mornings at 10:30 beginning May 7. Prayer books and Bibles are in the seat pockets for your convenience.

Our new service of Healing Prayers and Eucharist begins on Wednesdays at noon May 10. All are welcome to join us in the Chapel. The breezeway gate by the front door of the church will be open to enter on that level for those who find stairs difficult.

Would you like more information on what, why and how we do our worship services? Plan on attending an “Instructional Eucharist” on Sunday May 21 at 11AM.  We will integrate the historical, traditional, and practical reasons concerning our Eucharistic service we go through the service.

Want to engage in an informal discussion of the Sunday readings? Please bring your questions and we will talk about the various ways of experiencing Scripture by considering that morning’s readings. We will meet at 10AM Sunday mornings in the downstairs conference area by the church offices. This will begin on Sunday May 7.  If possible, please read the assigned readings ahead of time by going to:   and scroll on the right for the link for “The Sunday Bulletin” updated weekly, or go to  scroll down to find the date, select the link for the day’s readings.



A Note From Rev. Annie – May 2023