You are warmly welcomed to participate fully in the life of the church. For more information on these and other opportunities, please contact us.
Our Outreach Programs are on their own page here.
Altar Guild – Teams rotate each week preparing for the weekly celebration of the Eucharist. Preparation includes caring for the linens, sanitizing and polishing the vessels, baking bread, obtaining wine and other supplies.
Bike Club – A group of people get together during the summer for community bike rides.
Buildings and Grounds – Volunteers with skills in building maintenance and repair are needed. Please let Rev. Annie know.
Greeters and Ushers – Come early and welcome all as they arrive. Orient guests and visitors and help them find seats and feel welcome. Training is provided.
Liturgy and Music Team – This group selects the music and Liturgy for each church season and prepares the materials for our Sunday worship.
New Earth Composting Project – St. Anne’s has compost piles in the back of the parking lot. Instructions are posted. Bring your compost or take some new earth.
Pastoral Care – The pastoral care team assists the vicar in caring for the needs of our congregation. Please email prayerministry@stanneswa.com. Your request is confidential.
Prayer Shawl Ministry – This ministry involves either knitting or crocheting shawls from simple patterns. These are woven with prayers and given to anyone who is recovering from illness or injury, who is homebound, or who has suffered bereavement. This gives them a tangible reminder that that we care about them and are praying for them. It also has the added benefit of warming cold shoulders! We meet periodically to share a meal and make shawls together. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, contact prayershawls@stanneswa.com. We have copies of simple patterns for both knit and crochet.
Stephen Ministry – Trained volunteers walk beside those who are having a life interruption to offer a listening ear and support.
Stewardship – This team provides education and information around stewardship of our resources including a fall giving campaign.
Sunday Morning Hospitality – Each Sunday volunteers host coffee hour downstairs. This involves providing a selection of snacks and making coffee, tea, and juice available.