
Advent banner
The Season of Advent

Our mission today is the same as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow: To love God, to love our neighbors as ourselves, to feed the hungry and welcome the stranger, to uphold the dignity of every human being, and to be peacemakers in a time of strife. We are followers of Jesus the Christ.

NEW SERVICE: “Blue Christmas”

A Blue Christmas Service is offered especially for those hurting during the holidays. Some come because they are mourning the death of a loved one and others come for comfort for all the pain in our lives and in the world. We gather for worship and support in the midst of suffering to remember God is good and present. We are not alone, and we have every reason to hold on to hope. Please join us on Wednesday 12/18 at Noon.


Advent Book Study. Preparing the Way: Christian Practices for Advent. Wednesdays

November 20, December 4, 11 & 18, & January 8, at 11am in the downstairs conference room.   Details here.





  • 12/15  Greening the church! Immediately after our 10AM worship.
  • 12/18 12 @ noon  “Blue Christmas,” a new service for those who struggle with holidays.
  • 12/22  Christmas Pageant 10AM.
  • 12/24  Christmas Eve – Tuesday service at 5PM.
  • 12/25  Christmas Day – Wednesday service at 10AM.
  • 12/29  Lessons and Carols at 10AM.


Our 2025 pledge drive is on! Please consider your pledge to the work and mission of St. Anne’s.   More information and a printable pledge and talent card are available on our Giving page. Please turn in your pledge card by November 11.









Washougal “Meals on Wheels” Food Bank is now at St. Anne’s. All in need are welcomed to come and pick up groceries for free! Monday’s from: 12pm to 1pm, St. Anne’s Church, 2350 Main St. Washougal, WA


Severe Weather Shelter
Whenever the weather forecast predicts snow, freezing rain, or temperatures below 30F the Severe Weather Shelter will now operate at: 

The Salvation Army located at 1612 “I” St, Washougal
at the corner of Washougal River Road and “I” Street

  • increase in available beds
  • access to hygiene facility
  • ability to stay for the daytime services
  • pets allowed!
  • This shelter will no longer be held at the Washougal Community Center.
    Provided by a partnership from Refuel Washougal and the Salvation Army.

From HomeShare’s website: Homesharing is simple: A home provider offers accommodation to a renter in exchange for an agreed level of support in the form of financial exchange, assistance with household tasks, or simple companionship. Home sharing is about building relationships, while also living in affordable housing. Home seekers and home providers mutually agree to live together. Come to one of our monthly meetings to learn more or get help at tech-time to get your space listed or create a renter profile. We meet the third Thursday of every month at Cascade Park Library branch (next door to Firstenburg at 600 NE 136th Ave, Vancouver, WA) from 2-3:30pm – ask the library staff to direct you to the correct meeting room –  drop-ins are welcome.