October 2nd is the one year anniversary of us! Thank you for selecting me to serve with you as the vicar. It’s been my pleasure to get to know you and to work together sharing God’s love inside and outside of St Anne’s.
I’m happy to be here and am looking forward to many more years together. Again thank you for your support, kindness and love. And a special thanks from Buddy my dog for all the treats, pets, and ball tosses!
October begins our focus on how we care for all the gifts God has given us. We start by blessing our pets in remembrance of St. Francis whose spirituality was based on God’s generosity found in nature.
The rest of the month we will pray for greater awareness of God’s generosity in our lives, and for guidance on how we share our time, how we make a positive difference with our skills, and how we share our wealth, our money.
I look forward to every service we share and every “coffee hour” meal. God is good and together we are making a difference as we share God’s love with each other and all our neighbors.